To succeed in any endeavor, we must start with the truth first. Perceptions, impressions and feelings are not equivalent to truth. Truth can be uncomfortable, but in the end, it is far more comfortable and secure than fiction. People often hold assumptions as truth rather than as possibilities. Imagination is powerful, but does not automatically result in physical manifestation—fortunately. Subtle feelings are invaluable. Starting with three-dimensional factual reality, we can explore other “realities” and ultimate Truth, like sages of old. Ultimate Truth is ineffable, best expressed in poetry.
Current revision: paper January 12th, 2022 (first version 2019 July); recording May-August 2021. New versions clarify or expand points in the original thesis; the points are unchanged.
The content of these presentations has been garnered through observation, contemplation, hopefully insight, and, most importantly, experience. Ideas and assertions are simply presented for consideration. The effort is not to prove or convince, but rather to present ideas for one’s own thought, research, innate common sense, and experience.
References are included only if information is specific and may not be generally known. No offense whatsoever is taken at any disagreement or counter-assertion. Many disagreements are due to semantics. Take whatever is useful and ignore the rest. If something fits and is useful, wonderful!
Deep gratitude is expressed to developers and everyone who has assisted in making open-source software available to all. These presentations have been made possible by LibreOffice (Open Office), Audacity, SimpleScreenRecorder, RecordMyDesktop, Glimpse, Gimp, Inkscape, ImageMagick, Pitivi, ffmpeg, OpenClipart, PublicDomainVectors, and Linux. Appreciation is also expressed to In addition, gratitude is expressed to all the wonderful artists who have made their work available, for pictures speak to the soul. Gratitude is also expressed to people who have contributed comments that have helped to improve these presentations, and for the expert advice of Sweetwater, which made possible the quality of these recordings and the continued sanity of the editor.
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The brilliant spectrum in the banner is the closest representation of the absolute joy of a realm of which I have memory since childhood. No one owns the spectrum. It is used here because of its joy.
In case it seems that it took a lot of work to create these multi-media presentations, it was negligible compared to acquiring the inner-standing required to write the content.
Artist acknowledgements: Samart Boonyang (sun), Kevin Carden (sunrise with stars), VVVita (rosy sunrise over sea), Mikhail Kokhanchikov (golden sunrise over sea), Svetoslav Sokolov (sunrise over Bulgarian Black Sea), Leonid Tit (sunrise in mountains), Janex Volmajer (sunrise in space), and Виталий-Башкатов (sunrise in Carpathian mountains), Titonz (sunrise in clouds), @
Truth First, op. 6
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