Truth, love, justice, spirituality, God, healing, forgiveness, peace, wisdom, dharma, emotions, money, karma, evil, intelligence, equality, inequality, "free will", sacrifice, masters, organizations, language, mind control, subconscious, trust, domination, pride, focus for goodness.
Truth First; About Love; Towards Justice; Emotional Clarity; Heal Thyself; Forgiveness and "Karma"; Prescription for Peace; Bad and Evil; Power, Pride and Spirituality; Dharma Upholds; Money; Real Intelligence; "God"; On Enemies and the Spiritual Compass; Equality, Uniqueness and "Free Will"; To Give or Not To Give; Joy; Domination, "God" and Savior-hood; On Mastery; Healing and Trust; Evaluate vs. Put Down; Language, Form and the Subconscious.
You can't soar like an eagle if you travel with turkeys.
Strength comes only through resistance.
Know thy self. Know thy Self.
Confidence comes only through challenges.
Truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Freed, it defends itself.
Knowing comes only through resonance.
Truth alone triumphs.
Wisdom is the choice fruit of adversity.
Where there is no truth, there can be no right-ness ("pono," "dharma").
The best teacher is one's most recent mistake.
Truth is the best advocate.
Great possessions are great cares.
A painful truth is preferable by far to a pleasant lie.
Liberty, like charity, begins at home.
It takes a big heart to feel warm and open to everyone. It takes an even bigger heart to tell them the truth.
The price of liberty is perpetual vigilance and the willingness and capability to take action.
Some people have tact; others tell the truth.
Releasing resentment is always wise. Forgetting what happened is always foolish.
When we are wrong or heading in a wrong direction, whoever alerts us is a true friend. (Such an alert is sometimes called "criticism.")
Pride causes falls.
When we are wrong or heading in a wrong direction, whoever alerts us is a true friend. (Such an alert is sometimes called "criticism.")
Pride causes falls.
Silence may be prudent, but enforced secrecy kills.
Know anyone or anything by its fruits.

The content of these presentations has been garnered through observation, contemplation, hopefully insight, and, most importantly, experience. Ideas and assertions are simply presented for consideration. The effort is not to prove or convince, but rather to present ideas for one’s own thought, research, innate common sense, and experience.
References are included only if information is specific and may not be generally known. No offense whatsoever is taken at any disagreement or counter-assertion. Many disagreements are due to semantics. Take whatever is useful and ignore the rest. If something fits and is useful, wonderful!
Deep gratitude is expressed to developers and everyone who has assisted in making open-source software available to all. These presentations have been made possible by LibreOffice (Open Office), Audacity, SimpleScreenRecorder, RecordMyDesktop, Glimpse, Gimp, Inkscape, ImageMagick, Pitivi, ffmpeg, OpenClipart, PublicDomainVectors, and Linux. Appreciation is also expressed to In addition, gratitude is expressed to all the wonderful artists who have made their work available, for pictures speak to the soul. Gratitude is also expressed to people who have contributed comments that have helped to improve these presentations, and for the expert advice of Sweetwater, which made possible the quality of these recordings and the continued sanity of the editor.
This website does not collect personal information or store "cookies," and does not maintain a mailing list. To see new postings, simply visit the website periodically, and pass on links to others if something here may be helpful to them or to the world.
The brilliant spectrum in the banner is the closest representation of the absolute joy of a realm of which I have memory since childhood. No one owns the spectrum. It is used here because of its joy.
In case it seems that it took a lot of work to create these multi-media presentations, it was negligible compared to acquiring the inner-standing required to write the content.
References are included only if information is specific and may not be generally known. No offense whatsoever is taken at any disagreement or counter-assertion. Many disagreements are due to semantics. Take whatever is useful and ignore the rest. If something fits and is useful, wonderful!
Deep gratitude is expressed to developers and everyone who has assisted in making open-source software available to all. These presentations have been made possible by LibreOffice (Open Office), Audacity, SimpleScreenRecorder, RecordMyDesktop, Glimpse, Gimp, Inkscape, ImageMagick, Pitivi, ffmpeg, OpenClipart, PublicDomainVectors, and Linux. Appreciation is also expressed to In addition, gratitude is expressed to all the wonderful artists who have made their work available, for pictures speak to the soul. Gratitude is also expressed to people who have contributed comments that have helped to improve these presentations, and for the expert advice of Sweetwater, which made possible the quality of these recordings and the continued sanity of the editor.
This website does not collect personal information or store "cookies," and does not maintain a mailing list. To see new postings, simply visit the website periodically, and pass on links to others if something here may be helpful to them or to the world.
The brilliant spectrum in the banner is the closest representation of the absolute joy of a realm of which I have memory since childhood. No one owns the spectrum. It is used here because of its joy.
In case it seems that it took a lot of work to create these multi-media presentations, it was negligible compared to acquiring the inner-standing required to write the content.

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